Support The Endowment
The SCWTCA Endowment, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
All donations are tax deductible for Federal Income Tax purposes.
We rely on generous contributors to support new and continuing research into Wheaten health issues.
Individual Donations
You may either Use a Check or Use PayPal to make your donation.
To Use PayPal, click this button.
To Use a Check, print our Donation Form (see below).
Make the check payable (in U.S. funds only)
to “SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.”.
Will Codicil
You can remember the Wheaten Health Endowment when planning your estate by adding a codicil to an existing will. This codicil will make sure that your plans include a bequest to the SCWTCA Endowment, Inc..
You can print out the Will Codicil as a PDF.
Tribute & Memorial Gifts
Remember your first Wheaten, honor your best friend …and support Wheaten health!
Tribute gifts are a thoughtful way to celebrate a litter, birthday, new title, great friendship, or any special friend/occasion. Memorial gifts are a special way to express sympathy by honoring the memory of a favorite Wheaten, friend, or relative.
A tribute or a memorial will appear on our Donor list with a receipt sent to the donor and, upon request, a letter of acknowledgment to the honoree (amount is not disclosed).
Corporate Matching
All our donors are Wheaten Health Heroes…, but did you know your superpower could double … or more?
If your employer has a Matching Donation program, your contribution to the SCWTCA Endowment, Inc. could be matched, providing even MORE support for our Wheaten health research programs and projects — usually all you need to do is click a few times on your company’s website. Businesses of all sizes match donations their employees make to nonprofits because it’s an easy, structured way for them to support good work; and sometimes it's a double or triple match. As a 501c3, the Endowment is often eligible for a matching grant.
If you're not sure if your company has a Matching Donation program, look on the employee website (sometimes it's under corporate social responsibility) or check with HR to see if your company will match your donation to the Endowment — and become a Wheaten Health Super Hero!