Endowment Team

The Endowment Board

  • Anna Marzolino, Chair

    marzolinoam@icloud.com, ‭(714) 470-6818

    Anna’s love of Wheatens began in 1994 when she met Lois Lubel. Before joining SCWTCA she worked on the Health Committee. A Board member of the SCWTCA Endowment since 2006, she served as Vice Chair under Carol Carlson until 2019 when she succeeded her as Chair. She has three children, Anthony, Patrick and Marina Marzolino.

  • Pam Tinnelly


    Pam and her husband Bob have owned four Wheatens who have earned their AKC championships and competed as specials. They have been members of SCWTCA for over 20 years, both serving on the SCWTCA Board as well as chairing a number of club committees. They were also members of a local kennel club and served as stewards at many dog shows. Pam has been on the Endowment Board since 2012 and currently serves as Secretary and chair of the Fundraising Working Group and the ByLaws committee. She is retired from a 35-year career as an elementary school teacher and is active in community organizations.

  • Janet Snoddy


    Janet is a lifetime dog owner… American Cockers, Boxers, Miniature Schnauzers, Shar Peis and mixed breeds…and got her first Wheaten in 1997. She showed her to her championship and “Kelsey” became the foundation of O’Lorcan Wheatens. Janet has successfully used European and American lines in her breeding program, producing over 20 AKC champions and using DNA testing over 4 generations to reduce the risk of PLN. She is an active member of the North Texas Terrier Club and SCWTCA, serving on committees and co-chairing the 2021 SCWTCA National Specialty. She became an Endowment director in 2019. Janet and her husband own O’Lorcan Pet Lodge Spa, providing grooming, daycare and boarding.

  • Toni Vincent


    After losing her Wheaten, Minnie, to PLN/PLE in 2000, Toni began traveling to different states fundraising for Wheaten health using her professional skills and portable studio photographing Wheatens and their owners. Her concept shoots have been on 7 covers of Benchmarks and her fundraising sessions in 5 centerfold spreads. Toni, the co-designer of the Fecal API Kit, became a member of the SCWTCA in 2002 and served for several years on the Health Committee. In 2007, she became a director of the SCWTCA Endowment, Inc. In 2010, Toni redesigned the SCWTCA calendar selling 950, the highest amount ever sold to date for health. In 2011, she ran a DNA clinic in the Seattle area, served as the chair for the SCWTCA Nominating Committee and became the Endowment's second treasurer.

  • Elaine Azerolo


  • Willie Rueda


  • Kathleen McIndoe


    Kathleen McIndoe got her first Wheaten in 1982 and owned, bred and exhibited them for 32 years under the Paisley kennel name. She still has one Wheaten, although she has become more involved in showing and breeding her Lakeland Terriers since acquiring her first in 1992. Kathleen has bred and owned Best in Show dogs in both breeds. She has served as a director of the Wheaten Health Endowment from 2007-2009 and again from 2018 to the present. She joined the SCWT Health and Pedigree Database team in 2013 as a data manager and when the people who had been spearheading the project moved on, was named the new system administrator in 2014, a position she continues to hold, putting her MLS to good use. Kathleen is semi-retired from her own grooming and boarding business.

Endowment Founders

Carol & BobDog

K. Carol Carlson, Chair 2001 - 2019

Carol’s involvement with Wheatens goes back to the late 1960s when she and Emily Holden imported a bitch and became Amaden Wheatens, Reg. Carol and Emily campaigned Wheatens throughout the US as part of the AKC recognition effort.

Carol was incredibly important to the SCWTCA, serving as the President in 1980-81 and 1987-89. and on the board for 12 addition terms. She was the Benchmarks Editor from 1990 – 2005 and SCWTCA AKC Delegate. She was often asked to handle difficult problems by SCWTCA presidents who knew she was the right person for a tough job.

As protein-losing diseases took hold in the breed, Carol was one of a small group that looked to research to help us. Her talent was in fundraising: one of her early efforts was to raise the funds required for an AKC Canine Health Foundation matching grant, easily tripling the goal. She chaired the Colony Dog fundraising project and raised over $100,000 for their research and care.

With the support of the then SCWTCA Board and other long-time fanciers, Carol drove the establishment of the Endowment and served as its chair until 2019. Under Carol’s leadership, the Endowment raised and donated hundreds of thousands for Wheaten health research and projects.

Carol was a dear friend to many and loved by all. As news of her passing spread, people from all over the Wheaten community had stories about her…, all describing a person who loved the breed and would help anyone interested in it.


Rosemary Berg, Board Member 2001 - 2017

Rosemary Berg began her showing and breeding career in Wheatens in the early 1980s with a Briarlyn bitch who became the foundation for Wil O’Wisp Wheatens.

Rosie served as the SCWTCA Treasurer from 1994-2004. She served the national club in numerous other roles. She brought her 20 year experience as a superintendent with MBF to her role as ring steward during many Montgomery weekends.

Rosie was one of the SCWTCA Endowment founders and served on our Board where her experience as a city council president was invaluable. She was our Treasurer for many years, setting the standards still followed that have resulted in our continuing high ratings from Guidestar.

Rosie’s energy was boundless and so was her dedication to our breed. She was loved and respected by everyone who knew her.

The Endowment Online Team

  • Website

    We are fortunate to have Roxanna Springer as a great Webmaster.

  • Database

    The SCWT Database is managed by director Kathleen McIndoe with a team of volunteers who have helped maintain and grow it. San Jeffries, Pam Mandeville, Art Miller and Lori Owen Fernandez are on the database team. We couldn’t have done it without San Jeffries, Art Miller, Molly O’Connell, Emily Holden and Patrice Chevalier. We especially thank all the people who have submitted info and photos on their Wheatens.

  • Social Media

    Anna Marzolino manage the Endowment’s social media presence, getting the word out to the Wheaten community.

    Follow us on Facebook and on Instagram

The Endowment Working Groups

  • Fundraising

    This team is charged with developing financial support for the Endowment. It works with the Board to develop strategy and proposes various avenues to raise funds.

    Leslie DeMattia

    Anna Marzolino

    Pam Tinnelly

  • Communications

    This team develops ideas and materials to explain the work of the Endowment and raise its visibility in the Wheaten community

    Kate Heller

    Liz Jamiolkowski

    Anna Marzolino

    Roxanna Springer

  • Special Projects

    Helen Fraguela

    Pam Mandeville

    Bonney Snyder

    Jeri Voyles

    Helen Moreland

  • Advisory

    Pam Mandeville