SCWT Database Resources
The SCWT Database is designed to be easy to use, but there’s so much information that it can seem daunting.
Start by looking up one of your dogs in the Database, and explore the information you’ll find there.
There are several ways to find your dog depending on the information you have. Here’s a few tips:
If you know some parts of the name but are not sure of the order, it doesn’t matter.
For example, entering either “Day Light” or “Light Day” will bring back a few dogs, including one named “Bright Light of Day.”
You can enter partial words, which is really helpful if you’re not sure of the spelling.
Select “Contains” rather than “Starts With.”
Searching by entering a person’s name will bring back all dogs they have owned or bred.
Entering a kennel name will return all dogs with that word as part of the dog’s registered name.
You can enter a partial registered name, or even a partial word.
You can enter a call name — but, be aware — if it’s a common name, you’ll get a long list!
Entering your dog’s birthday to search on it will return all litters born on that date. Each litter will list its puppies in the Database.
If you know your dog’s dam or sire, enter their name and see every litter each produced.
New & Easy Form for Database Entries!
Breeders and Owners: We are trying a new approach to entering a dog in the Database. This link will bring to straight to the form to enter your dog. SCWT Database Submission Form
We really like to see breeders enter an ‘old’ dog — a past dog that maybe lived a great long life? Maybe one that had cancer? We hope you will take some time to enter those ‘old’ dogs in the Database as well as any new ones.
We are fast approaching 100,000 Wheatens in the Database — thanks to our Database team and our breeders and owners.
Our Database operators have many talents, but, sadly, none of them are clairvoyant. Enter Your Wheaten today. https://scwtca.org/.../scwt-database-submission-form.../
#wheatenterrier #wheatenterriersofinstagram
Add Your Litter to the Database!
The SCWT Database can only access publicly available reports in order to add all SCWT litters to the Database. Some countries do not make this available while in other countries it can take a long time or be difficult to access. So we need breeders’ help. We can add the entire litter to the DB with just a little help from you…here’s some options:
If you maintain a file with information on a litter, please send it to comments@scwtdb.org.
For US registered litters, you can go to your ‘My AKC account’ at www.AKC.org and download a litter report. This PDF shows you how.
On March 16, 2021, SCWTCA and the Endowment sponsored an educational Webinar on Exploring the Database presented by Anna Marzolino, Chair of the SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.. Here’s the link to the Zoom recording: Wheaten Webinar • Exploring the SCWT Database (3/16/2021) (Passcode: .GmG%+x1)
We have a complete User’s Guide that will guide you through using all the Database features, including the reports. If you can’t find your dog or have questions or comments, contact us at comments@scwtdb.org. If the information is incomplete, you can update it using the Submit Data tab, and the team will enter it.