Endowment At Work Timeline
•SCWTCA Endowment Origins
1995 established the SCWTCA Health Fund
2001 created a separate non-profit
2004 incorporated as the SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.
2006 gained 501(c)3 status
•Ongoing Fecal A1PI Kit Program
This kit was created to eliminate the owner’s cost of a vet submitting samples to the TAMU GI Lab and to insure the samples arrived frozen to the lab for accurate testing of intestinal protein loss. The kit continues to be made available by the SCWTCA Endowment, Inc. at manufacturer’s cost. Distribution points set throughout the US & Canada.
Approved by SCWTCA, Inc.; Distributed by the SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.
•2002 & 2004 AKC-CHF Grant 2219: Longitudinal Clinical Study, Mode of Inheritance and Therapeutic Trial of PLE/PLN in Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers
From birth comparison of SCWTs fed hypoallergenic diet with SCWTs fed normal diet. AKC-CHF provided oversight for grant administration. SCWTCA matched funds for two prior related grants starting in 1996.
Researcher: Shelly Vaden DVM PhD DACVIM, North Carolina State University
Funding: $55,600 Approved by SCWTCA, Inc.; Funded by SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.
•2003, 2004 Adopt a Colony Dog Fundraiser
The Colony Dogs living at NC State University were used in numerous research grants to Dr. Shelly Vaden starting in 2003. This project was a coordinated fundraising campaign among individual and regional clubs to support the dogs’ daily care and well-being. Gifts were solicited by the Endowment and paid directly to NCSU Veterinary Medical Foundation.
Researcher: Shelly Vaden DVM PhD DACVIM North Carolina State University Funding: $13,300 for expenses. Approved by SCWTCA, Inc.; Funded by the SCWTCA Endowment, Inc. $145,450
•2006 AKC-CHF: Genetic Determinants of Malignant Melanoma
Researcher: Michael Kent DVM, University of California - Davis
Funding: $1,000. Approved by SCWTCA, Inc.; Funded by SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.
•2006 Investigation of Antigenic Causes of Vaccine-Associated Allergic Reactions in Dogs
Researcher: Dr. George Moore, Purdue University.
•2006 4th Annual AKC-CHF Canine Cancer Conference: Genes, Dogs, & Cancer
Several prominent researchers. Addressed identifying genetic markers for specific diseases and possible avenues to find new therapies to combat diseases. Helped sponsor the conference; received complementary registration for two conference attendees.
Attendees: Elaine Azerolo and Susan McGee.
Funding: $5,000. Approved by SCWTCA, Inc.; Funded by SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.
•2007 & 2008 University of Missouri Canine Phenome Project
The purpose of the Canine Phenome Project: to establish a DNA bank with supporting data for use by researchers to identify the genes responsible for canine diseases and other characteristics. For Wheaten owners, an opportunity to store DNA from Wheatens for future use by researchers interested in finding the genetic cause of PLE, PLN, RD, Addison's, and/or other diseases. NIH Lifetime Study and Siblings Pair Study included.
•2007-2008 National Institutes of Health: Lifetime Study of the SCWT
Seven of the 21 blood draw clinics described above provided 103 samples for the NIH study.
Researcher: Dr. Elaine Ostrander, Ostrander Canine Genomics Lab, Bethesda, MD
•2008 AKC CHF Conference
Attendee: Jana Carraway
Funding: $200 Approved by SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.
•2008 Informative Family Project, Geriatric Dog Project contributing to AKC-CHF Grant 1485: Longitudinal Field Studies of Families of SCWTs Affected with PLE and/or PLN and the Foundation of a DNA Bank
Pelletizing DNA for Penn DNA Bank; biopsies; shipping of samples; summer students; genetic testing DNA collection kits; AKC report fees for Penn for registration numbers; histopathology, testing expense; freezer expense.
Researcher: Meryl P. Littman VMD DACVIM, University of Pennsylvania
Funding: $9,000. Approved by SCWTCA, Inc.; Funded by the SCWTCA Endowment, Inc. $5000 and
•2009 Sibling Pairs Study SNIP Chip Purchase
Technology to compare 24 pairs of affected and non-affected SCWT siblings. Includes Blood Draw Clinics (Paid 1/3 of the cost to help sponsor 21 blood draw clinics to acquire DNA samples for the CPP.) and SNIP CPP Participant Fee Sharing (Paid 1/2 of the participant registration fee for 991 SCWTs whose blood was drawn during SCWTCA sponsored clinics to produce DNA samples for future Wheaten-related research.)
Researcher: Gary Johnson DVM Ph.D., University of Missouri - Columbia
Approved by SCWTCA, Inc.; Funded by SCWTCA Endowment, Inc. $35,200
•2009 Rabies Challenge Fund Charitable Trust
Private fund supporting longitudinal work to address the duration of immunity conveyed by rabies vaccine with the intent of extending the legally required interval for rabies boosters to 5, then 7 years.
Researcher: Dr. Ronald Schultz, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Funding: $500. Approved by SCWTCA, Inc.; Funded by SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.
•2009 AKC-CHF Parent Club Health Conference
Various presenters addressing health issues applicable to most breeds.
St. Louis, MO
Attendee: Jana Carraway
Funding: $200. Approved by SCWTCA, Inc.; Funded by SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.
•2012 Student Researcher Professional Development Award
This award supports vet students who make significant contributions to health-related research projects involving SCWTs by partially funding their attendance to a professional conference to present results from a project they worked on. In 2012, an award was made to Claire Wiley to support her presentation of the Genome-wide Association Study of PLN.
Grant Recipient: Claire Wiley
Funding: $560. Approved by SCWTCA, Inc.; Funded by SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.
•2012 Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) of Protein-Losing Nephropathy (PLN) in Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers—Genetic Testing for PLN-Associated Variant Genes
After years of research supported by the owners and breeders of hundreds of Wheatens throughout the world, Dr. Meryl Littman and Dr. Paula Henthorn at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine (Penn Vet) identified mutations associated with PLN in two genes.
Samples from the PennVet SCWT DNA Bank were used in a genome-wide association study (GWAS) using 177,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), of which 81,097 SNPs were informative. Control dogs (unaffected Wheatens aged 14 – 18) and affected dogs were studied, as were dogs of other breeds. PLN was found to be associated with changes in two genes responsible for encoding the proteins found in the podocyte slit diaphragm, a fundamental component of the glomerular filtration barrier in the kidney. For more information, please see the Research Abstract as well as the peer-reviewed research report published in Mammalian Genome in January 2013.
The research resulted in a DNA cheek swab test, introduced to Wheaten owners in May 2012. DNA collection kits were made available worldwide at no cost to SCWT owners and breeders to assist Drs. Littman and Henthorn in gathering 1,000 SCWT DNA samples for a prevalence study between May and September 2012. The SCWTCA, Inc., the SCWTCA Endowment, Inc., and the Genetic Research Fund combined efforts to finance this project.
After the introduction of the test in 2012, SCWTCA, the Endowment, and the Genetic Research Fund Boards, issued a Statement on Genetic Testing for PLN-Associated Variant Genes endorsing testing for PLN-associated variant genes by breeders and stud dog owners as one tool in the assessment of breeding stock. Testing information and information guides can be found on the DNA testing page of The SCWT Club of America website.
In 2016, the membership of the SCWTCA voted to amend its Code of Ethics to require use of this test prior to breeding.
Researchers: Claire A. Wiley, Meryl P. Littman, Michael G. Raducha, Paula S. Henthorn, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine
•2013 Tufts University Breeding & Genetics Conference:
Attendee: Deb Van De Ven
Funding: $235. Approved by SCWTCA, Inc.; Funded by SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.
•2013 Purchase and Maintenance of SCWT Health and Pedigree Database
After a number of years of development, the SCWTCA Endowment, Inc., was excited to announce in 2018, the launch of the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Health and Pedigree Database. This database set-up was originally developed by the Berner-Garde Foundation 30 years ago and is in use by several other breeds in addition to Wheatens. Starting with San Jeffries’s database of 46,000 dogs, a team of volunteer data operators added dogs resulting in a debut of nearly 60,000 Wheatens from around the world.
In furtherance of the Endowment’s mission, we believe the detailed collection of health and pedigree information in the Database will help to identify, track, and reduce the incidence of health problems in the SCWT. Wheaten owners, breeders, and researchers can use it to assist with decisions about the care and welfare of their dogs and to make breeding decisions. We expect veterinarians and veterinary researchers working with Wheatens will find it a valuable data source.
The best way to appreciate the potential of the Database is to use it! It is accessible to all once you’ve read and accepted the policies. You can learn more about the Database at our About the Database and Database Resources pages.
Funding: $7,600
•2014 Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine SCWT Histopathology & Testing Expense
Funding: $5,000
•2015 Freezer Storage University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine
Purchase of a new freezer to store SCWT DNA samples
Trustees of the University of PA School of Veterinary Medicine
Funding: $9,142
•2016 Pilot Association Study of PLE/PLN (Protein-Losing Enteropathy/Nephropathy) in SCWTs
Nearly one hundred DNA samples, including both “affected” and “normal control” dogs, were chosen for initial analysis by the Section of Medical Genetics at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. These samples were subjected to a new technology that assays thousands of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) simultaneously.
Within a single mammalian species (such as dogs or humans), there are millions of SNPs, and geneticists use them to find the locations of genes that cause various traits, including diseases. If the location can be determined, then it becomes possible (for a species that has had its genome sequence determined) to:
examine genes in that region as candidates for involvement in the disease process;
develop DNA-based genetic tests. While this sounds straight-forward in theory, it can be difficult to execute, particularly for a disease that is complex, as is PLE/PLN.
PLE/PLN does not appear to be simply inherited, and may be influenced by environmental factors, making it much more difficult to study.
We refer to our initial study as a pilot study because, due to the complexity of the disease, we cannot accurately predict how many dogs are actually needed to have a strong chance of success. In studies of complex genetic diseases in humans, tens of thousands of individuals are studied.
Researchers: Meryl P. Littman, Paula S. Henthorn, University of Pennsylvania
Funding: $9,000. Approved by SCWTCA, Inc.; Funded by the SCWTCA Endowment, Inc. and the Meryl P. Littman Wheaten Fund supported through the generosity of Dr. Littman’s clients and Wheaten friends.
•2018 AKC CHF Grant 2519: Prevalence of Bartonella spp. Infection in Dogs with Cardiac and Splenic Hemangiosarcomas within and between Geographic Locations:
Researcher(s): Edward B Breitschwerdt DVM; Matthew Breen PhD; North Carolina State University.
Funding: $2,500. Funded by the SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.
•2019 Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) using SNP chips for Protein Losing Enteropathy (PLE)
Genome Wide Association Studies to identify the chromosomal regions (and genes within these regions) that are associated with PLE or PLN and can then be studied in additional dogs for confirmation.
Researcher: Paula Henthorn PhD BS, Mariah Gentry, DVM at University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine
Funding: $7,750.
•2019 Genetic Testing for PLN-Associated Variant Genes Follow Up Survey
Researchers: Paula Henthorn PhD BS, Mariah Gentry DVM, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine
Funding: $5,000
•2019 Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS)
Since the introduction of the DNA test for PLN risk, owners and breeders have continued to hope for some similar testing for PLE. As noted, it is a more complex disease. WGS is an important component of this research.
WGS identifies essentially ALL of the DNA variants in an individual (there are millions of DNA variants within an individual mammal, compared to another member of the same species). The overall goal of WGS (combined with other information) is to identify all of the DNA variants in healthy and disease affected dogs, then to find which of those variants are associated with disease. This is done by analyzing the genome sequences by comparing to sequences of other dogs, examining genes known to be involved with the particular or similar diseases, such as inflammatory bowel diseases for PLE, and by performing GWAS (genome-wide association studies with SNP chips) to point to the chromosomal regions that need to be studied. The goal of the proposed studies, in combination, is to further improve our ability to predict the occurrence of PLN. Dr. Henthorn has submitted 10 dogs for WGS sequencing to advance to our understanding of both PLE and PLN.
This sequencing information will make a significant contribution to our PLE research. Additional sequencing would build on that information, and it is particularly important to obtain sequence from PLE and normal geriatric dogs from the U.S. population. If we are very lucky, the WGS studies will immediately identify genes for further study. More likely, as implied above, we will need to do additional GWAS (genome-wide association studies) in the future.
In particular, Dr. Henthorn will compare genome sequences from affected and healthy geriatric dogs that are 2-2 (”2s” in the SCWT vernacular) to see if we can identify DNA changes that would allow us to more accurately predict the occurrence of PLN. An added benefit of the sequencing could find a dog(s) who have a variance for both PLE and PLN.
Penn Vet is collaborating with investigators at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), who study a form of IBD in very young children that appears similar to PLE in some SCWTs. If they find that the dogs have a similar genetic basis to their disease as do children, it opens the possibility of exciting collaborative work that could be mutually beneficial to dogs and kids.
We also want to sequence dogs affected with PLN and compare their genome sequences to healthy geriatric dogs (which will include the PLN 2-2 healthy geriatric dogs).
Researcher: Paula Henthorn PhD BS, University of Pennsylvania
•2020 Ectopic Ureters
Use of laser ablation techniques on a test case to further understand and expand our knowledge of Ectopic Ureters in the SCWT.
Researcher: Daniel Langlois BS DVM DACVIM, Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine
Funding: $1,600
•2020 PLN Gene Testing – 2 vs 1
Testing for variant alleles associated with a risk for PLN ("DNA test") was initially developed at Penn based on Drs. Littman and Henthorn's research. That research showed that a DNA variant occurred in each of two genes, NPHS1 and KIRREL2, that are next to each other in their position on dog chromosome 1, and that the presence of these two variants on both copies of chromosome 1 indicated significantly increased risk for developing PLN (Protein-Losing Nephropathy). In all Wheatens examined in the research study, these genes always showed the same patterns...
• All dogs that were 1-1 for NPHS1 were also 1-1 for KIRREL2 (both copies each gene normal),
• All dogs that were 1-2 for NPHS1 were also 1-2 for KIRREL2 (heterozygous for both genes),
• All dogs that were 2-2 for NPHS1 were also 2-2 for KIRREL2 (both copies of each gene are variant).
In other words, the normal versions of these two genes were always inherited together, and the variant versions to these genes were always inherited together. Because of this it is not known with 100% certainly, which gene variant puts a dog at high risk for developing PLN, or whether or not they both act together (although, based on what is known about those two genes and proteins they encode, it is thought that NPHS1 is more likely).
Among the well over 4,000 Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier samples that Penn has analyzed since the test was introduced in 2012, there have been three (3) Wheaten terriers with results in which both genes had different genotypes, (for example 1-1 for NPHS1 and 1-2 for KIRREL2). In these cases, Penn reports the results more specifically, and discusses the ramifications of these results with the dog’s owner.
Penn's DNA testing continues to test both genes for two reasons. It is not 100% certain which of the two gene variants is most important in the PLN disease process and running two tests for each sample increases the quality control in the testing process. The websites of some commercial labs indicate that they only test for one of the genes, usually NPHS1.
•2020 AKC CHF Grant 02800: Defining the Effect of Genotype, Breed and Age on the Risk of Developing Canine Degenerative Myelopathy and Investigating the Molecular Mechanisms Underlying that Risk
The Endowment, together with the SCWTCA and the SCWT Genetic Research Fund, is donating to the funding for this grant. Together with mixed breeds and 30 other breeds, Wheatens are susceptible to DM, a late-onset progressive neurodegenerative disease.
•2020 Genetic testing for Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) and Microphthalmia
The University of Pennsylvania's PennGen testing facility has announced the availability of genetic testing for DM and Microphthalmia, a condition involving eye abnormalities and blindness. Penn's research into PLN in Wheatens resulted in genetic testing for the variant alleles associated with risk of PLN and has been offering testing to owners since 2012. The Endowment, together with the entire Wheaten community, supported the research leading to the PLN testing. Owners can now obtain all three tests through PennGen. Read the PennGen announcement PDF at the PLN Testing Recommendations page.
•2020 Dr. Paula Henthorn's June SCWT PLE/PLN Research Progress Report
1. Survey
A 91-question survey was developed and distributed (in three phases) to owners and breeders, beginning early this year. A single survey was sent for each of 3773 dogs that had been tested using the PLN-Associated Variant Genes Test (and thus, we have DNA for these dogs). We have had 883 completed responses, of 1204 surveys that have been started, and we are still accepting completed surveys (until June 14th, with extensions possible if people email Dr. Gentry and ask for the extension). We are examining information provided from the surveys, with the first goal of identifying the dogs that will be most useful for our studies and obtaining medical records for these dogs. This first step is underway, with the help of a Penn undergraduate pre-vet student intern, who will be contacting veterinary clinics to obtain medical records.
2. Sequencing dogs for studies of both PLE and PLN
The Animal Health Trust in England has sequenced two dogs, including one healthy 13-year-old SCWT. Sequencing of 10 additional dogs has been completed, and the data files transferred to our laboratory. All 12 of these dogs will be useful for the study of PLE, with some of the dogs also useful for studies that may enhance genetic testing for PLN. The analysis will go into full swing when we can get access to the computer that we need for the analysis. (All non-essential research was suspended starting March 18th, and limited access to our laboratories is now being phased in.)
3. GWAS (Genome Wide Association Study, using SNP chips)
This phase is on hold until we identify additional dogs for GWAS analysis, based on information from steps 1 and 2 above.
4. Offer additional genetics tests for use by SCWT breeders: DM (Degenerative Myelopathy)
and Microphthalmia
Two genetic diseases that have been identified in Wheaten Terriers are listed above. We have developed assays for these tests and now offer them through the PennGen laboratories. We have created two documents (one to announce the test availability, and one to explain the genetics of microphthalmia in SCWT, based on the study performed in Finland (Kaukonen et al. 2018 Cell Reports 23(9):2643-2652). To determine if this disease variant allele is present in the North American SCWT population, we tested 66 of the DNA samples derived from PLN testing. Fifteen percent (10 of 66 samples) tested as carriers for the disease-associated variant in the RPB4 gene. (Among these samples were 48 samples that were received after mid-November 2019. Five of these recent samples were carriers.) None of the 66 samples had two copies. This is a small sample size, but it does demonstrate that this disease-causing gene variant is present in the SCWT population. Genetic testing, particularly of any female that is being considered for breeding, will allow breeders to avoid affected puppies in their breeding programs.
Finances (by numbered activities above)
1. $15,500 was contributed from the SCWTCA and the SCWT Endowment ($7,750 each) to cover salary for Dr. Mariah Gentry and for a student researcher. After Penn’s share of these gifts (note that the majority of these funds come to the School of Veterinary Medicine, thus indirectly supporting this work), $12,400 was available for our work. To date, $11,000 has been spent for Dr. Gentry’s salary. Dr. Gentry will be working on the project until the end of 2020. Funds needed in excess of $12,400 for Dr. Gentry and the student intern will be supplied from previous gifts to the project.
2. $10,000 was contributed from the SCWTCA and the SCWT Endowment ($5,000 each) for ten dog genome sequences, with $8,000 directly available for this project. The fee for sequencing 10 dogs was $8,200, and less than originally quoted. Additional funds from previous donations be applied to the annual software fees for sequence and GWAS analysis software (annual fee of $3,000).
3. The estimate of the cost for this part of the research was originally estimated at $10,000, although costs will be re-examined as the scope of the necessary work becomes clearer.
4. All costs for the development of the assays, and initial screening for microphthalmia were completely covered by the PennGen laboratories, including technician and faculty salaries. [PennGen is a genetic testing facility operated through the Section of Clinical Genetics and Advanced Therapies (CGAT) at the University of Pennsylvania's School of Veterinary Medicine. It is a not-for-profit laboratory offering testing for genetic diseases, primarily in dogs and cats, and other molecular diagnostic services, such as somatic mutation screening in cancer patients. Together with CGAT’s Genetic Disease Discovery Laboratory, PennGen also engages in research to uncover the genetic basis of a wide range of diseases in animals and offers metabolic screening for inborn errors of metabolism including inherited and acquired forms of Fanconi Syndrome, and electron microscopy for ciliary dyskinesia in dogs.]
Respectfully submitted, with thanks for your ongoing support, Paula Henthorn, PhD Professor of Medical Genetics, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine
•2021 Grant #02428: Identifying Disease-defining Autoantibodies in Canine Addison’s Disease
Here are Grant #02428 project details.
Researcher: Steven G Friedenberg DVM, PhD, University of Minnesota
Funding: $3,000.
Research Update Report PDF: August 2021
•2021 Grant #02534: Clinical Evaluation of Propranolol in Combination with Doxorubicin for the Treatment of Hemangiosarcoma
Here are Grant #02534 project details.
Funding: $3,000
•2021 Grant #02658: Characteristics of Sensory Neuronal and Muscle Pathology in Canine Degenerative Myelopathy to Identify Targets for Therapeutic Intervention
Here are Grant #02658 project details.
Funding: $3,000
NOTE: Donor dogs may be needed for the above projects (check the specific project details). If you have a Wheaten diagnosed with any of the conditions being studied, please consider adding your Wheaten to study participation. The future health of our Wheatens is in your hands! Remember to update health information in your dogs' records in the SCWT Database.
★Wheaten Webinars
Beginning in 2021, the SCWTCA began offering educational Wheaten Webinars on a variety of topics, including health issues. The first in the series, Coat Color Genetics in Wheatens was presented by longtime Wheaten breeder and noted geneticist Dr. Neil O’Sullivan. Neil joined the SCWTCA Board in January 2021 and brought the concept of a webinar series to reality in a matter of weeks. Announced with just a few days notice, nearly 80 people joined us live for the airing of this highly engaging talk with Neil. While you can find a complete list of all the Webinars on the SCWTCA website, we list the ones here that are specifically sponsored by the Endowment concerning health issues.
•02/16/2021 Wheaten Webinar • Coat Color Genetics in Wheatens
Presenter: Dr. Neil O’Sullivan, noted geneticist and longtime Wheaten breeder
Recording unavailable
Link to PDF: Wheaten Webinar • Coat Color Genetics in Wheatens (02/16/2021)
•03/16/2021 Wheaten Webinar • Exploring the SCWT Database
Presenter: Anna Marzolino, Chair of the SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.
Link to ZOOM Recording: Wheaten Webinar • Exploring the SCWT Database (3/16/2021) Passcode: .GmG%+x1
Read about The SCWT Database!
•04/20/2021 Wheaten Webinar • Dawn of DNA Testing
Dawning of the age of DNA testing — where to test, what does it mean, and adding the information to the SCWT Database
Presenter: Dr. Neil O’Sullivan, noted Geneticist and longtime Wheaten breeder
Link to ZOOM Recording: Wheaten Webinar • Dawn of DNA Testing (04/20/2021)
Link to PDF: Webinar – Dawn of DNA Testing (04/20/2021)
•05/18/2021 Wheaten Webinar • Gulpies, IBD, & Food Allergies
Presenter: Meryl P. Littman VMD DACVIM
Sponsored By: SCWTCA Endowment, Inc. $750
Link to ZOOM Recording: Wheaten Webinar • Gulpies, IBD, & Food Allergies (05/18/2021)
Link to PDF: The Gulpies (2019) by Meryl P. Littman VMD DACVIM
•06/15/2021 • Best Practices for Managing The Stud Dog — Let’s Hear It For The Boys!
Presenter: Erin E. Runcan DVM DACT, The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine
Sponsored By: SCWTCA, Inc & SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.
Link to ZOOM Recording: Wheaten Webinar Best Practices for Managing The Stud Dog
Link to PDF: Webinar – Stud Dog Management (06/15/2021)
•07/20/2021 Wheaten Webinar • CHIC, Genetic Tests, & Summertime Thoughts
Presenters: Susan Ratliffe, Beth Sorenson, Elaine Azerolo, Cyndi Stokvis, & Neil O’Sullivan
Sponsored By: SCWTCA Health Committee
Link to ZOOM Recording: Wheaten Webinar • CHIC, Genetic Tests, & Summertime Thoughts
•July 2021 The Endowment, Inc. Survey — The Gulpies and Digestive issues in Wheatens
The Endowment created and conducted a survey on the Gulpies and Digestive issues in Wheatens with over 1,200 responses. See the Gulpies Survey Results PDF.
•08/17/2021 Wheaten Webinar • Microphthalmia
Presenter: Gustavo Aguirre VMD PhD PhD(hc), American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists Professor of Medical Genetics and Ophthalmology, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine
Sponsored By: SCWTCA, Inc.
Link to ZOOM Recording: Wheaten Webinar • Microphthalmia
•09/21/2021 Wheaten Webinar • Temperament & Rage Syndrome
Presenter: Karen Overall MA VMD PhD DACVB; Editor in Chief, Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research
Sponsored by: SCWTCA, Inc.; SCWTCA Endowment, Inc. $350, SCWTCA Health Committee
Link to ZOOM Recording: Wheaten Webinar • Temperament & Rage Syndrome
•10/26/2021 Wheaten Webinar • Ectopic Ureters/Urogenital Disorders in Wheatens
Presenter: Julie Byron DVM MS DACVIM; Professor, Clinical Small Animal Internal Medicine, Ohio State University — College of Veterinary Medicine
Sponsored By: SCWTCA, Inc. & SCWTCA Endowment, Inc., SCWTCA Health Committee
Link to ZOOM Recording: Wheaten Webinar • Ectopic Ureters/Urogenital Disorders in Wheatens
•11/10/2021 Annual Health Testing Protocols updated
Annual Health Testing Protocols have been updated and approved by Dr Littman. This PDF handout can be printed and given to your vet and kept in their file. This will ensure that you get all the proper health testing completed at the time of the visit and won't have to go for subsequent visits. As you can see, Dr. Littman has recommended that ALL Wheaten Terriers have the DNA Test for the PLN Variant Gene. She has listed the companies that have made the test available to the general public.
As someone on the SCWTCA Health Committee stated, "A Urinalysis is a Wheaten's best friend." A good thing to remember!
•11/16/2021 Wheaten Webinar • PLN/Kidney Disease Update
Presenter: Meryl Littman VMD DACVIM
Sponsored By: SCWTCA, Inc., SCWTCA Endowment, Inc., SCWTCA Health Committee
Link to ZOOM Recording: PLN/Kidney Disease Update
★12/3/2021 — Wheaten Health Newsletter inaugural annual issue!
PDF of Inaugural Wheaten Health Newsletter
•02/15/2022 Wheaten Webinar • Optimum Age for Spay and Neuter
Presenter: Erin E. Runcan DVM DACT, Assistant Professor of Theriogenology & Reproductive Medicine, The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine
Sponsored By: SCWTCA, Inc. & SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.
Link to ZOOM Recording: Wheaten Webinar • Optimum Age for Spay and Neuter
•03/15/2022 Wheaten Webinar • Orthopedic Issues in Wheatens
Presenter: Darryl Millis MS DVM DACVS CCRP, Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga College of Veterinary Medicine
Sponsored By: SCWTCA, Inc & SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.
Link to ZOOM Recording: Wheaten Webinar • Orthopedic Issues in Wheatens
•04/19/2022 Wheaten Webinar • The Unique Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier – Head/Ear Characteristics
Presenter: Cindy Vogels
Sponsored By: SCWTCA, Inc & SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.
Link to ZOOM Recording: The Unique Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier – Head/Ear Characteristics
•05/17/2022 Wheaten Webinar • C-BARQ, The Canine Behavioral Assessment & Research Questionnaire
Presenter: James Serpell PhD Emeritus Professor of Animal Welfare, School of Veterinary Medicine University of Pennsylvania
Sponsored By: SCWTCA, Inc & SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.
C-BARQ is a standardized behavioral evaluation tool. This can be a reliable, validated method for measuring behavior problems in dogs.
You can sign up as pet owners and take the questionnaire on 1-3 of your dogs, if you like. You will need this six-digit code to access the account: 758847. There is no charge or fee for this as the SCWTCA Endowment Inc. has set up an account link for us.
Click on "Sign Up Today" and create a brief profile.
Next, enter a dog by clicking on "Add a Dog."
Then, select "Dog is participating in a study" and click "Next".
Select the name of your organization: "SCWTCA Endowment Inc." and provide this six-digit code: 758847.
Complete the questionnaire on your dog(s). An analysis will be sent to you.
Link to Dropbox Recording (Dropbox recording opens in new browser window/tab): Wheaten Webinar • C-BARQ, The Canine Behavioral Assessment & Research Questionnaire
•06/28/2022 Wheaten Webinar • Early Intestinal Disease Marker Study
Presenter: Katie Tolbert DVM, North Carolina State University School of Veterinary Medicine
Sponsored By: SCWTCA, Inc., SCWTCA Endowment, Inc., and the Health Education Committee
This new SCWT study at NCSU hopes to identify dogs with PLE before there are Blood Work Changes.
Recordings (Both links go to the same recording, but have different storage locations.):
Link to ZOOM Recording (if requested, passcode is: fLQRa.g3): Wheaten Webinar • Early Intestinal Disease
Link to Dropbox Recording – (Dropbox recording opens in new browser window/tab): Dropbox: Wheaten Webinar • Early Intestinal Disease Marker
•07/8/2022 SCWT Early Intestinal Disease Marker Study
Wheaten Terriers diagnosed with PLE and healthy Wheaten Terriers are needed for a study with NC State University School of Veterinary Medicine. NCSU is beginning a study it hopes will identify SCWTs with PLE before there are any clinical bloodwork changes. Participation is specific: 8-10 “normal” Wheatens and 8-10 “affected” Wheatens are needed. Testing is done free of charge at NCSU in Raleigh, NC. There are financial incentives. For more information, contact Katie Tolbert DVM.
Download the Client Consent Form PDF.
•08/16/2022 Wheaten Webinar • Degenerative Myelopathy
Presenter: Liz Hanson, DNA Research Information Specialist, University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine Genetics Lab
Sponsored By: SCWTCA, Inc. & SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.
Recordings (Both links go to the same recording, but have different storage locations.):
Link to ZOOM Recording (if requested, passcode is: P%6c0=&K): Wheaten Webinar • Degenerative Myelopathy
Link to Recording (Dropbox recording opens in new browser window/tab): Dropbox: Wheaten Webinar • Degenerative Myelopathy
•09/20/2022 Wheaten Webinar • What Makes The SCWT Unique – Presentation
Presenter: Cindy Vogels. Chair of the SCWT Breeder Education Committee, AKC Judge.
Sponsored By: SCWTCA, Inc. & SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.
Recordings (Both links go to the same recording, but have different storage locations.):
Link to ZOOM Recording (If requested, passcode is: 2gd&v*z4): Wheaten Webinar • What Makes The SCWT Unique — Presentation
Link to Recording (Dropbox recording opens in new browser window/tab): Dropbox: Wheaten Webinar • What Makes The SCWT Unique — Presentation
•2023 SCWT Early Intestinal Disease Marker Study
Wheaten Terriers diagnosed with PLE and healthy Wheaten Terriers are needed for a study with NC State University School of Veterinary Medicine. NCSU is beginning a study it hopes will identify SCWTs with PLE before there are any clinical bloodwork changes. Participation is specific: 8-10 “normal” Wheatens and 8-10 “affected” Wheatens are needed. Testing is done free of charge at NCSU in Raleigh, NC. There are financial incentives. For more information, contact Katie Tolbert DVM at mktolbe2@ncsu.edu.
Participation Information Form
•2023 Jablonski Research Program — Evaluating New Diagnostics & Treatments for PLE
Dr. Sara Jablonski is studying how to better diagnose and treat Protein-Losing Enteropathy (PLE) in dogs. Both local and out-of-state clients may participate, as some studies require only 1 clinical visit. Clients whose dogs are part of 1 or more of Jablonski’s studies could save up to $2,500 on clinical services.
If you’re interested in applying for a PLE study with Jablonski, email sjw@msu.edu with information about your dog that will help determine their eligibility.
Please note: Jablonski and her collaborators are looking for dogs who have not seen prior treatment and, most importantly, have not been treated with steroids.
•09/18/2023 Wheaten Webinar • Renal Dysplasia and Interpreting Lab Values in Your Dog’s Bloodwork
Dr. Shelly Vaden, DVM, PhD, DACVIM. She is Professor Internal Medicine (Nephrology and Urology), Chief of Staff, Small Animal at North Carolina State University, College of Veterinary Medicine. She has been involved with our breed for many years. Bring your questions or submit them to me ahead of time to present to her before the Webinar. Her specialty is Urology. Read more about Dr. Vaden here: https://cvm.ncsu.edu/people/slvaden/.
Presenter: Dr Shelly Vaden, DVM, PhD, DACVIM at NCSU College of Veterinary Medicine
Sponsored by: SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.
Time: Sep 19, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
This was great a webinar. Dr. Vaden discussed lab values on dogs with Renal Disease, RD, PLE, PLN and those liver values that we have all been hearing about lately. She discussed the "chicken allergy" theory along with other food allergies, the Fecal API test on PLE dogs, Ectopic Ureters, the SDMA test and creatinine levels and the UPC ratio and systolic blood pressure (this was all really interesting), and the IRIS Treatment Recommendations for CKD, and possible non-genetic causes of PLN... what else am I missing?
If you didn't get a chance to watch the live Wheaten Webinar - Interpreting Lab Values, RD Update with Dr Shelly Vaden, DVM, you can watch it at your convenience! The Webinar is now available on the SCWTCA website. If you own a Wheaten, get the knowledge from the expert! Watch it at https://scwtca.org/education/webinars/.
*****Thank you to donors of the SCWTCA Endowment as your donations made this Webinar possible!*****
•2/13/2024 Wheaten Webinar • Addison’s Disease
Dr Meryl Littman did a Webinar on Addison’s Disease. Watch this important Webinar on Addison’s Disease, dubbed ”the Great Pretender” because it mimics symptoms of many other conditions. Get the latest updates on detailed diagnosing and treatment steps from an expert.
Presenter: Meryl Littman VMD DACVIM
Sponsored by: SCWTCA Health Committee, SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.
Time: Feb. 13, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
If you didn't get a chance to watch the live Wheaten Webinar - Addison’s Disease with Dr Meryl Littman, DVM, you can watch it at your convenience! The Webinar is now available on the SCWTCA website. If you own a Wheaten, get the knowledge from the expert! Watch it at https://scwtca.org/education/webinars/.
•March 2024 Wheaten Webinar • Does Chronic Kidney Disease Cause Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Dogs?
Researcher: Katie Tolbert, DVM, PHD, DACVIM-SAIM Clinical Associate Professor, Texas A&M University Gastrointestinal Laboratory
Funding: The Endowment has fully funded this study in the amount of $20,000.00. This research grant has the seal of approval from the SCWTCA Health Committee and SCWTCA Board of Directors.
1 Abstract: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with an increased risk of upper gastrointestinal (GI)
2 bleeding in humans, and hospitalized patients with CKD and GI bleeding are at a three times greater risk for
3 in-hospital mortality. Limited research has explored whether these same risks exist in the veterinary
4 population, and the prevalence of GI bleeding in dogs with CKD is unknown. Despite this knowledge gap, it
5 is common for these patients to receive gastroprotectants to treat suspected GI bleeds, which not only
6 increases medication burden for owners but also may be detrimental to dogs with CKD. Accordingly, the
7 proposed study would be the first to evaluate GI bleeding in dogs with CKD compared to age-matched
8 healthy dogs using video capsule endoscopy (VCE).
If you believe you have a dog that can participate in this study, please email Dr. Katie Tolbert at ktolbert@cvm.tamu.edu.
• August 2024 Wheaten Webinar • Update on PLE Research
Update on PLE Research, Katie Tolbert, DVM, PhD, DACVOM (SAIM, SA nutrition) will be speaking at a Zoom Webinar on Thursday August 15, 2024 at 7 pm EST. She will be talking about an update on the PLE research that she is doing. Her talks are always interesting and full of good information.
*Please note this Webinar is on Thursday evening and not our traditional Tuesday night per our speaker's request.
Presenter: Katie Tolbert DVM, PhD, DACVIM (SAIM, SA nutrition), Clinical Associate Professor, Gastrointestinal Laboratory, Small Animal Clinical Sciences, Texas A&M University
Sponsored by: SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.
Time: Aug 15, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
If you didn't get a chance to watch the live Wheaten Webinar - Update on PLE Research with Dr Katie Tolbert, DVM, you can watch it at your convenience! The Webinar is now available on the SCWTCA website. If you own a Wheaten, get the knowledge from the expert! Watch it at https://scwtca.org/education/webinars/.
•September 2024 Wheaten Webinar • Treatment Options For Dogs With Cancer
The Webinar this month is "Treatment Options For Dogs With Cancer: How surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and immunotherapy join forces." Dr. Selting is an Associate Professor at University of Illinois. She will also include information on Canine Hemangiosarcoma.
Presenter: Kimberly Anne Selting, DVM, MS, DACVR(Oncology), DACVR(Radiation Oncology)
Sponsored by: SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.
Time: Sep 17, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
If you didn't get a chance to watch the live Wheaten Webinar - Treatment Options For Dogs With Cancer with Dr Kim Selting, DVM, you can watch it at your convenience! The Webinar is now available on the SCWTCA website. If you own a Wheaten, get the knowledge from the expert! Watch it at https://scwtca.org/education/webinars/.
•Important for you and your vet! • November 2024 Wheaten Webinar • Leptospirosis
Not only for Wheaten Terriers but for all dog owners. We encourage you to attend this webinar and show your support and appreciation for Dr. Littman and Dr. Wiley. If you have questions on Leptospriosis diagnosis and vaccinations, please send them to health@scwtca.org and we will submit them to Dr. Littman directly.
“In a significant move, veterinary health authorities have updated the core vaccine recommendations for dogs to now include the leptospirosis vaccine. This update is particularly important for dog breeders, who play a crucial role in the health and well-being of future generations of dogs". - Claire Wiley, VMD DACVIM
Leptospirosis is on the rise in our country and a lot of the information we have on this vaccine is outdated regarding the improved version of this vaccine. Please join us for an update from an expert.
This webinar is dedicated to ‘Sprite’, ‘Rafferty’, ‘Emmy’ and ‘Pippa’ — all Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers that were affected with Lepto and subsequently succumbed to this infectious disease and whose owners reported the results to the SCWT Health and Pedigree Database to help other owners understand this infectious disease. It is also dedicated to ‘Molly’ who is a Lepto survivor and was cared for by Dr. Sara Jablonsky at Colorado State University School of Veterinary Medicine and who is heading up a PLE study now.
Presenter: Dr. Meryl Littman
Sponsored by: SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.
Time: Nov 14, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
If you didn't get a chance to watch the live Wheaten Webinar - Leptospirosis with Dr. Meryl Littman, you can watch it at your convenience! The Webinar is now available on the SCWTCA website. If you own a Wheaten, get the knowledge from the expert! Watch it at https://scwtca.org/education/webinars/.
December 2024 Wheaten Webinar • Aopic Dermatitis in Wheatens
Do you have an itchy Wheaten or know of one? The last Webinar of the year is with Dr. Ed Jazik DVM who is giving a talk on Atopic Dermatitis in Wheatens. He is an expert in Dermatology for Animals. Please join us before the Holiday season completely takes over.
Presenter: Dr. Ed Jazik DVM
Sponsored by: SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.
Time: Dec 3, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
If you didn't get a chance to watch the live Wheaten Webinar - Atopic Dermatitis in Wheatens with Dr. Ed Jazik, you can watch it at your convenience! The Webinar is now available on the SCWTCA website. If you own a Wheaten, get the knowledge from the expert! Watch it at https://scwtca.org/education/webinars/.
★12/3/2024 — Wheaten Health Newsletter and Update!
Dear Wheaten Owners:
Today is the 2024 Annual Day of Giving and this year we are going to change the rules and celebrate a Reverse Day of Giving. We are giving you great news and information on Wheaten Terrier health.
PLE History: In 1983 Emily Holden owned a bitch named CH Harwelden Beloved Amaden. She began to have severe edema, as did two of her offspring. There was no diagnosis for her condition. Emily consulted with pioneer Penn Vet Dr. Josephine Dueler, VMD who referred her to Dr. Meryl Littman VMD, DACVIM. With her dedication and knowledge a disease now had a name, treatment protocols and testing protocols were established and an Open Registry of affected dogs was created. But there is still work to be done. We need a genetic test for PLE, and that research is ongoing with committed Endowment funds at UPenn with Dr. Paula Henthorne, PhD Professor of Medical Genetics with Tenure - Clinical Studies & Advanced Medicine, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine Chief, Section of Medical Genetics, Department of Clinical Studies-Philadelphia School of Veterinary Medicine.
Today though is great day because we have the following announcement:
Royal Canin Research Grant: From M. Katherine ("Katie") Tolbert, DVM, PhD, DACVIM (SAIM, Board Certified Veterinary Nutritionist®) Associate Professor, Gastrointestinal Laboratory Small Animal Clinical Sciences: “Finally, we did get the Royal Canin grant to evaluate the effect of diet on GI health in Wheatens! As a reminder, we will be looking to enroll Wheatens that do not yet have a history of GI disease. The study lasts for about 3 months and there is free blood work, free video capsule endoscopy, and free food for the entirety of the study. We will start enrolling after the new year. I'll reach out with more information about the study then. We will start by enrolling dogs in the Raleigh, NC, College Station, TX, and East Lansing, Michigan areas but are hoping to branch out from there after we start the study”.
If you are a breeder in the North Carolina, Texas, Michigan area please reach out to your pet owners to help us find participants. If you are an owner and you think your Wheaten Terrier might be able to participate please contact health@scwtca.org and let us know of your interest.
The SCWTCA Endowment Inc. has pledged $40,000 towards this important research grant. The majority of the project is funded through Royal Canin. We hope to have a webinar to kick off the project in the near future so stay tuned. This is a SCWTCA approved research project.
Understanding PLN Testing: We have an updated PDF for you that was approved by Meryl P. Littman, VMD, DACVIM Professor Emerita of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. Understanding PLN and health testing has been a long process for many of us. This document should further clarify Annual Health Testing and PLN Variant Gene Testing and what their purpose is. Thanks to Pam Mandeville and Dr. Littman for their work on this document. Please send questions on the document to Anna Marzolino at marzolinoam@icloud.com or Pam Mandeville at bannerwheatens1980@gmail.com either one of us will be happy to help you.
SDS Page Test: Wheaten Terriers with an abnormal UPC should have a PLN Variant Gene Test performed and the SDS Page Test information is on this link. If you need assistance with DNA swabs to test your dog at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine the Endowment offers free cheek swabs. Email Pam Tinnelly at Pamwaggintail@gmail.com to obtain your swabs.
Is It PLN or Lepto Webinar: The webinar was a great success. Thank you to Meryl Littman for her dedication to our breed and for sharing her knowledge with us. The webinar will be available this week on the SCWTCA website for you to review. Go to www.scwtca.org/education/webinars/ to watch this very important webinar.
Dermatology Webinar: We know the majority of health problems with any dog is Dermatology issues. In the last Wheaten Health Survey it was the number one issue for our breed. So join us this evening to meet Ed Jazic DVM, Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Dermatology, Founder. Dr. Ed Jazic received his Bachelor of Science in Microbiology from the University of Toronto in 1994. He then earned his Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine from University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine in 1999. While at the University of Illinois, he served as president of the Theta chapter of Omega Tau Sigma and was active in community and social events. This event is free to you. If you were lucky enough to be at the last Lepto webinar you know how important it is to be there live. The Q & A after the event is very interactive. We hope to see you tonight. For those who signed up for a text message reminder I will send that out a half an hour before the webinar begins.
Chronic Kidney Disease Research Project: Dogs with Stage III & Stage IV Kidney disease based on the IRIS Kidney Staging Chart are needed for an important research project at North Carolina State University School of Veterinary Medicine. This project is fully funded by the SCWTCA Endowment Inc. and approved by SCWTCA Inc. Please read more here.
SCWT Health & Pedigree Database: There are 106,423 Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers entered in the database. If you have not entered your dog or updated their record please consider doing so. It is a great New Year’s Resolution. We are continuing the DNA rebate program for all DNA testing that is entered in the database.
Consults: We are very lucky to have had researchers and veterinarians dedicated to helping us with our dogs health concerns. Dr. Tolbert is a nutritionist and will consult with your veterinarian directly at a very low cost. You can reach her through the following protocols: “For more complicated cases where a medical review might be necessary to determine the most appropriate commercial diet, I do offer veterinary consultation services direct to the veterinarian - the charge is $120 for 20-40 minutes consultation directly with the veterinarian. We will also be offering nutrition appointments directly to owners by late January/early February. Owners who are interested in scheduling an appointment for this can reach out to vetnutrition@tamu.edu for scheduling information and pricing.”
Remember Dr. Littman consulted for over thirty years for free and she is now retired. Thank you to her for her dedication to us. Our breed was incredibly blessed to have her expertise.
The SCWTCA Health Committee, the SCWTCA Endowment Inc. and SCWTCA are working hard for you and your Wheaten. Please let us know if you have questions or concerns or if you have an idea for a Webinar. You can reach the Health Committee at health@scwtca.org.
Happy Holidays and keep in touch. If you have holiday Wheaten photos, please send them to comments@scwtdb.org and we will try to use them. Don’t forget that Database New Years Resolution.
Anna Marzolino
Chair, SCWTCA Endowment Inc.
★21 January 2025 Wheaten Webinar • Canine Pregnancy Nutritional Needs
Magda Chiarella of Dig’n Pop Norwich Terriers is an author, seminar presenter and a long time breeder. Her Canine Pregnancy seminar delves into the prenatal mechanisms and metabolic concerns of caring for the gestating dam. It is a hands-on seminar on what to feed, when, and why based on the interplay of nutrition and the functions of the body. These practices transform the way breeders care for their pregnant bitches and ensure the best foundation for a generational legacy of canine health.
Presenter: Magda Chiarella
Sponsored by: SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.
Time: Jan 21, 2025 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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