Fecal A1PI Screening for PLE
Fecal Alpha1 Protease Inhibitor (A1PI) Test
Screening for Protein-Losing Enteropathy (PLE) is Recommended but OPTIONAL.
Early diagnosis of Protein-Losing Enteropathy (PLE) in the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier (SCWT) is challenging. Many cases show no clinical signs. The Alpha 1 Protease Inhibitor (A1PI) test has proven to be a valuable screening tool for intestinal protein loss in Wheatens even before other clinical signs develop. It is recommended that you screen your Wheaten annually for PLE. If any of the results are consistent with protein-loss, semi-annual screening is recommended to further monitor for PLE.
The cost to perform the test, which you pay directly to the GI Lab, is $64.00.
The Gastrointestinal Lab at Texas A&M will only accept Kits obtained through SCWTCA or from vets who order tubes directly from the GI Lab. They will not accept makeshift containers from owners that may contain improper tubes, paperwork, etc.
Results of your dog's Fecal A1PI will be sent to you within 48 hours of testing.
Fecal A1PI Kit
The PLE Screening Collection Kit includes:
Three (3) small (lab pre-weighed) brown-top tubes
Three (3) small plastic leveler sticks
Submission form, GI Lab label, FedEx overnight shipping label to the GI Lab & easy instructions
Engineer-designed, custom styrofoam container, high quality gel packs & custom shipping box
A Kit for one dog is $50.00, plus the cost for shipping to you.
To request a Kit, please email Toni Vincent-Fisher (tonivincent@aol.com) with your Zip Code for determining the shipping cost to ship the Kit via USPS from Bellevue, WA to your Zip Code.