Past Projects
The Endowment’s history of contributing to important canine health research has yielded knowledge and results benefiting Wheatens, all dogs, and, in a few instances, humans. Various grants and projects have also been supported by SCWTCA, SCWTGRF, along with other groups.
None of us could have done this without the Wheaten community’s support – and here is what YOU have supported:
PLE/PLN Research
While Protein Losing Enteropathy (PLE) and Protein Losing Nephropathy (PLN – also known as “glomerulonephritis”) are not unique to Wheatens (or canines), there is a higher incidence in Wheatens along with a hereditary factor. The SCWT Open Registry, which lists hundreds of SCWT with PLN and PLE diagnosed since 1997, showed no limitation for age of onset nor evidence of predictive biologic markers and suggested a complex mode of inheritance. The Wheaten community has taken the lead in supporting research into these two diseases.
Fecal API Kit Program
The kit was created to eliminate the owner’s cost of a vet submitting samples to the TAMU GI Lab and to insure the samples arrived frozen to the lab for accurate testing of intestinal protein loss. The kit continues to be made available by the SCWTCA Endowment, Inc., at manufacturer’s cost.
Approved by SCWTCA, Inc.; Distributed by the SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.
AKC-CHF Grant 2219: Longitudinal Clinical Study, Mode of Inheritance and Therapeutic Trial of PLE/PLN in Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers, 2002 & 2004
From birth comparison of SCWTs fed hypoallergenic diet with SCWTs fed normal diet. AKC-CHF provided oversight for grant administration. SCWTCA matched funds for two prior related grants starting in 1996.
Researcher: Shelly Vaden DVM PhD DACVIM North Carolina State University
Funding: $55,600. Approved by SCWTCA, Inc.; Funded by the SCWTCA Endowment, Inc., $74,960
Adopt a Colony Dog Fundraiser, 2003-2004
The Colony Dogs living at NC State University were used in numerous research grants to Dr. Shelly Vaden starting in 2003. This project was a coordinated fundraising campaign among individual and regional clubs to support the dogs’ daily care and well-being. Gifts were solicited by the Endowment and paid directly to NCSU Veterinary Medical Foundation.
Researcher: Shelly Vaden DVM PhD DACVIM North Carolina State University
Funding: $13,300 for expenses. Approved by SCWTCA, Inc.; Funded by the SCWTCA Endowment, Inc., $145,450
AKC-CHF Grant 1485: Study of PLE/PLN (Protein-Losing Enteropathy/Nephropathy) in Soft-Coated Wheaten Terriers
Researcher: Meryl P. Littman, VMD, DACVIM, University of Pennsylvania
Funding: $38,800. Approved by SCWTCA, Inc.; Funded by the SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.
Informative Family Project, Geriatric Dog Project contributing to AKC-CHF Grant 1485: Longitudinal Field Studies of Families of SCWTs Affected with PLE and/or PLN and the Foundation of a DNA Bank, 2008
Pelletizing DNA for Penn DNA Bank; biopsies; shipping of samples; summer students; genetic testing DNA collection kits; AKC report fees for Penn for registration numbers; histopathology, testing expense; freezer expense.
Researcher: Meryl P. Littman, VMD, DACVIM
Funding: $9,000. Approved by SCWTCA, Inc.; Funded by the SCWTCA Endowment, Inc., $5000
Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) of Protein-Losing Nephropathy in Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers — Genetic Testing for PLN-Associated Variant Genes, 2012
After years of research supported by the owners and breeders of hundreds of Wheatens throughout the world, Dr. Meryl Littman and Dr. Paula Henthorn at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine (Penn Vet) identified mutations associated with PLN in two genes.
Samples from the PennVet SCWT DNA Bank were used in a genome-wide association study (GWAS) using 177,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), of which 81,097 SNPs were informative. Control dogs (unaffected Wheatens aged 14 – 18) and affected dogs were studied, as were dogs of other breeds. PLN was found to be associated with changes in two genes responsible for encoding the proteins found in the podocyte slit diaphragm, a fundamental component of the glomerular filtration barrier in the kidney. For more information, please see the Research Abstract as well as the peer-reviewed research report published in Mammalian Genome in January 2013.
The research resulted in a DNA cheek swab test, introduced to Wheaten owners in May 2012. DNA collection kits were made available worldwide at no cost to SCWT owners and breeders to assist Drs. Littman and Henthorn in gathering 1,000 SCWT DNA samples for a prevalence study between May and September 2012. The SCWTCA, Inc., the SCWTCA Endowment, Inc., and the Genetic Research Fund combined efforts financed this project.
After the introduction of the test in 2012, SCWTCA, the Endowment, and the Genetic Research Fund Boards, issued a Statement on Genetic Testing for PLN-Associated Variant Genes endorsing testing for PLN-associated variant genes by breeders and stud dog owners as one tool in the assessment of breeding stock. Testing information and information guides can be found on the DNA testing page of the SCWT Club of America website.
In 2016, the membership of the SCWTCA voted to amend its Code of Ethics to require use of this test prior to breeding.
Researchers: Claire A. Wiley, Meryl P. Littman, Michael G. Raducha, Paula S. Henthorn, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine
Pilot Association Study of PLE/PLN in SCWTs, 2016
Nearly one hundred DNA samples, including both “affected” and “normal control” dogs, were chosen for initial analysis by the Section of Medical Genetics at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. These samples were subjected to a new technology that assays thousands of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) simultaneously.
Within a single mammalian species (such as dogs or humans), there are millions of SNPs, and geneticists use them to find the locations of genes that cause various traits, including diseases. If the location can be determined, then it becomes possible (for a species that has had its genome sequence determined) to:
examine genes in that region as candidates for involvement in the disease process;
develop DNA-based genetic tests. While this sounds straight-forward in theory, it can be difficult to execute, particularly for a disease that is complex, as is PLE/PLN.
PLE/PLN does not appear to be simply inherited, and may be influenced by environmental factors, making it much more difficult to study.
We refer to our initial study as a pilot study because, due to the complexity of the disease, we cannot accurately predict how many dogs are actually needed to have a strong chance of success. In studies of complex genetic diseases in humans, tens of thousands of individuals are studied.
Researchers: Meryl P. Littman, Paula S. Henthorn, University of Pennsylvania
Funding: $9,000. Approved by SCWTCA, Inc.; Funded by the SCWTCA Endowment, Inc. and the Meryl P. Littman Wheaten Fund supported through the generosity of Dr. Littman’s clients and Wheaten friends.
Cancer Research
While some forms of cancer are more prevalent in certain dog breeds, any breed can get cancer which is the leading cause of death among all dogs. As a result, the Endowment considers cancer research a key area of study to improve Wheaten health.
AKC-CHF: Genetic Determinants of Malignant Melanoma, 2006
Researcher: Dr. Michael Kent, University of California, Davis
Funding: $1,000. Approved by SCWTCA, Inc.; Funded by the SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.
Vaccine Research
Dog owners and veterinarians have become more concerned about the use of vaccines. The Endowment has supported multi-breed research in this area.
Investigation of Antigenic Causes of Vaccine-Associated Allergic Reactions in Dogs, 2006
Researcher: Dr. George Moore, Purdue University
Rabies Challenge Fund Charitable Trust, 2009
Private fund supporting longitudinal work to address the duration of immunity conveyed by rabies vaccine with the intent of extending the legally required interval for rabies boosters to 5, then 7 years.
Researcher: Dr. Ronald Schultz, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Funding: $500. Approved by SCWTCA, Inc.; Funded by the SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.
DNA Research
Because PLE and PLN have made the Wheaten community aware of the hereditary nature of disease, we understand the need to “bank” DNA for research. While the Endowment’s support of DNA projects was spurred by PLE/PLN, we know that the DNA stored today may lead to advances in the prevention of other conditions.
University of Missouri Canine Phenome Project, 2007-2008
The purpose of the Canine Phenome Project: to establish a DNA bank with supporting data for use by researchers to identify the genes responsible for canine diseases and other characteristics. For Wheaten owners, an opportunity to store DNA from Wheatens for future use by researchers interested in finding the genetic cause of PLE, PLN, RD, Addison's, and/or other diseases. NIH Lifetime Study and Siblings Pair Study included.
CPP Participant Fee Sharing
Paid 1/2 of the participant registration fee for 991 SCWTs whose blood was drawn during SCWTCA sponsored clinics to produce DNA samples for future Wheaten-related research.
Researcher: Dr. Gary Johnson, University of Missouri - Columbia
CPP Blood Draw Clinics
Paid 1/3 of the cost to help sponsor 21 blood draw clinics to acquire DNA samples for the CPP.
Researcher: Dr. Gary Johnson, University of Missouri - Columbia
National Institutes of Health: Lifetime Study of the SCWT, 2007-2008
Seven of the 21 blood draw clinics described above provided 103 samples for the NIH study.
Researcher: Dr. Elaine Ostrander, Ostrander Canine Genomics Lab, Bethesda, MD
Sibling Pairs Study SNIP Chip Purchase, 2009
Technology to compare 24 pairs of affected and non-affected SCWT siblings.
Researcher: Dr. Gary Johnson, University of Missouri - Columbia
Funding: $25,966 (includes Blood Draw Clinics and SNIP Chip Purchase). Approved by SCWTCA, Inc.; Funded by the SCWTCA Endowment, Inc. and National Institute of Health, Ostrander Canine Genomics Lab Canine Phenome Project
Freezer Storage University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine, 2015
Purchase of a new freezer to store SCWT DNA samples
Trustees of the University of PA School of Veterinary Medicine
Funding: $9,142.
Educational Conferences
The Endowment has provided modest support for representatives of the Wheaten community to attend important canine health conferences and share the information they learned.
4th Annual AKC-CHF Canine Cancer Conference: Genes, Dogs, & Cancer, 2006
Several prominent researchers. Addressed identifying genetic markers for specific diseases and possible avenues to find new therapies to combat diseases. Helped sponsor the conference; received complementary registration for two conference attendees.
Chicago, IL
Attendees: Elaine Azerolo and Susan McGee
Funding: $5,000. Approved by SCWTCA, Inc.; Funded by the SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.
AKC-CHF National Parent Club Health Conference, 2009
Various presenters addressing health issues applicable to most breeds.
St. Louis, MO
Attendee: Jana Carraway
Funding: $200. Approved by SCWTCA, Inc.; Funded by the SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.
Tufts University Breeding & Genetics Conference
Attendee: Deb Van De Ven
Funding: $235. Approved by SCWTCA, Inc; Funded by the SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.
Research Support
Student Researcher Professional Development Award
This award supports vet students who make significant contributions to health-related research projects involving SCWTs by partially funding their attendance to a professional conference to present results from a project they worked on. In 2012, an award was made to Claire Wiley to support her presentation of the Genome-wide Association Study of PLN.
Grant Recipient: Claire Wiley
Funding $560. Approved by SCWTCA, Inc.; Funded by the SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.
Purchase and Maintenance of SCWT Health and Pedigree Database
After a number of years of development, the SCWTCA Endowment, Inc., was excited to announce in 2018, the launch of the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Health and Pedigree Database at scwtdb.org. This database was originally developed by the Berner-Garde Foundation 30 years ago and is in use by several other breeds in addition to Wheatens. Starting with San Jeffries’s database of 46,000 dogs, a team of volunteer data operators added dogs resulting in a debut of nearly 60,000 Wheatens from around the world.
In furtherance of the Endowment’s mission, we believe the detailed collection of health and pedigree information in the database will help to identify, track, and reduce the incidence of health problems in the SCWT. Wheaten owners, breeders, and researchers can use it to assist with decisions about the care and welfare of their dogs and to make breeding decisions. We expect veterinarians and veterinary researchers working with Wheatens will find it a valuable data source.
The best way to appreciate the potential of the Database is to use it! It is accessible to all at scwtdb.org once you’ve read and accepted the policies. You can learn more about the Database on our About the Database and Database Resources pages.