drawing of Wheaten wearing red hat next to poem

Red Hat Challenge Fund

The Endowment and the GRF offer the Red Hat Fund, which will foster continued collaboration towards the longevity of the SCWT, as symbolized in the poem "When I Am Old, I Shall Wear Purple" adapted for the GRF.

The Wheaten Health Endowment is happy to announce the creation of the “Red Hat Challenge Fund” — a collaboration with the SCWT Genetic Research Foundation (“GRF”), a certified non-profit corporation. Proceeds will aid with the funding of the Wheaten Health Database at www.scwtdb.org and continue to bring attention to projects dedicated to SCWT genetic research.


Jackie Gottlieb

Jackie Gottlieb

This Fund has been created to honor Jackie Gottlieb and the late Carol Carlson whose dedication and commitment to the betterment and health of the SCWT helped create the two research funding organizations. For decades, Jackie and Carol collaborated in numerous fundraising and research efforts on behalf of Wheatens. Jackie led the GRF for many years while Carol led the Endowment at the same time.

Carol Carlson

Carol Carlson

The collaboration has established a goal amount for the fund of $40,000. The GRF will donate an initial $10,000, and through October 2022, they will match the next $15,000 in donations to the Endowment for a total GRF contribution of $25,000. This will further expand our community's commitment to Wheaten genetic research and for the continued expansion, support and maintenance of the SCWT Database.

Jackie Gottlieb w/Stephen Dedalus, Emily Holden, & Carol Carlson

Jackie Gottlieb w/Stephen Dedalus, Emily Holden, & Carol Carlson

Donors can still donate to the Red Hat Fund through October 2022 to honor Jackie and Carol and further expand our community's commitment to Wheaten genetic research and the SCWT Terrier Database.