Surveys & Webinars

Wheaten Health Surveys

2021 The SCWTCA Endowment, Inc. Survey • The Gulpies and Digestive issues in Wheatens

2019 Genetic Testing for PLN-Associated Variant Genes Follow Up Survey

  • University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine, Paula Henthorn, PhD BS, Mariah Gentry DVM $5,000

Ongoing OFA Wheaten Terrier Survey

Wheaten Webinars

Beginning in 2021, the SCWTCA began offering educational Wheaten Webinars on a variety of topics, including health issues.

★10/25/2022 Wheaten Webinar • Coat Color Genes — 7:00PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Presenter: Patrice Chevalier. as well as members of the Breeder Education Committee

Sponsored By: SCWTCA, Inc & SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.

Breeders, have you ever had or heard of a litter with “Blondes”, “Brown noses or Brownies” or even the rare “Black and Tan” puppy? With Genetic Markers for Coat Collar Genes we may be able to prevent this. Patrice Chevalier one of our long time Breeders has researched this for over 2 years, gathering many records from other Breeders and would love to share her experiences in a Webinar next Tuesday, October 25 2022, 7 pm EST. Patrice Chevalier, as well as members of the Breeder Education Committee will present an easily understood walk through. We welcome our serious Geneticists in the group to offer additional insights. Please join us for this fun subject. Hope to see you there.

Questions? To be sure your questions are addressed, submit your questions beforehand to Questions will also be taken at the conclusion of the Webinar.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 833 8222 6748
Passcode: 628277

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    Passcode: 628277

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09/20/2022 Wheaten Webinar • What Makes The SCWT Unique – Presentation

Presenter: Cindy Vogels. Chair of the SCWT Breeder Education Committee, AKC Judge.

Sponsored By: SCWTCA, Inc & SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.

Cindy Vogels, SHOWDOGS Judge Of The Year Winner is presenting “What Makes The SCWT Unique – Presentation” for our SCWT Webinar 9/20/22 at 7pm EST. Cindy and her mother, Jackie Gottlieb, bred over 100 Andover Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers. Cindy has judged at many prestigious shows worldwide, including judging Best in Show at Westminster and the Montgomery County Kennel Club’s All-Terrier show.

Links to the ZOOM Recording (Both links go to the same recording, stored in different locations. Recordings open in new browser window/tab.)

8/16/2022 Wheaten Webinar • Degenerative Myelopathy

Presenter: Liz Hanson, DNA Research Information Specialist, University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine Genetics Lab

Sponsored By: SCWTCA, Inc & SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.

ZOOM Recordings – (Both links go to the same recording, but have different storage locations.)

6/28/2022 Wheaten Webinar • Early Intestinal Disease Marker Study

Presenter: Katie Tolbert DVM, North Carolina State University School of Veterinary Medicine

Sponsored By: SCWTCA, Inc & SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.

This new SCWT study at NCSU hopes to identify dogs with PLE before there are Blood Work Changes.

Links to Zoom Recordings (Both links go to the same recording, but have different storage locations.):

5/17/2022 Wheaten Webinar • C-BARQ, The Canine Behavioral Assessment & Research Questionnaire

Presenter: James Serpell PhD Emeritus Professor of Animal Welfare, School of Veterinary Medicine University of Pennsylvania

Sponsored By: SCWTCA, Inc & SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.

The C-BARQ database at the U of PENN contains 50,000 pet dogs comprising more than 300 different breeds. It is sometimes described as a form of canine personality assessment, but originally it was designed to measure the prevalence and severity of behavioral problems.

You can sign up as pet owners and take the questionnaire on 1-3 of your dogs, if you like. You will need this six-digit code to access the account: 758847. There is no charge or fee for this as the SCWTCA Endowment Inc. has set up an account for us. The link is

Click on "Sign Up Today" and create a brief profile. Next, enter a dog by clicking on "Add a Dog." Then, select "Dog is participating in a study" and click "Next". Select the name of your organization: "SCWTCA Endowment Inc." and provide this six-digit code: 758847. Complete the questionnaire on your dog(s). An analysis will be sent to you.

4/19/2022 • The Unique Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier – Head/Ear Characteristics

Presenter: Cindy Vogels

Sponsored By: SCWTCA, Inc & SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.

Cindy is an AKC Judge and longtime member of the SCWTCA. She and her mother, Jackie Gottlieb, bred over 100 “Andover” SCWT Champions. She has judged “Best in Show” at Westminster KC and Montgomery County KC.

3/15/2022 • Orthopedic Issues in Wheatens

Presenter: Darryl Millis MS DVM DACVS CCRP, Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga College of Veterinary Medicine

Sponsored By: SCWTCA, Inc & SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.

02/15/2022 • Optimum Age for Spay and Neuter

Presenter: Dr. Erin Runcan DVM DACT, Assistant Professor of Theriogenology & Reproductive Medicine, The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine

Sponsored by: SCWTCA, Inc.

You may recall Dr. Runcan’s very informative session (June 2021) on managing a Stud Dog, “Let’s Hear It For The Boys!”
Tune in for this presentation to add to your understanding of this topic that is a significant piece of information to share with new Puppy Owners.

11/16/2021 • PLN/Kidney Disease Update

Presenter: Meryl Littman VMD DACVIM

Sponsored by: SCWTCA, Inc., SCWTCA Endowment, Inc., SCWTCA Health Committee

10/26/2021 Wheaten Webinar • Ectopic Ureters/Urogenital Disorders in Wheatens

Presenter: Julie Byron DVM MS DACVIM; Professor, Clinical Small Animal Internal Medicine, Ohio State University — College of Veterinary Medicine

Sponsored by: SCWTCA, Inc. & SCWTCA Endowment, Inc., SCWTCA Health Committee

09/21/2021 Wheaten Webinar • Temperament & Rage Syndrome

Presenter: Karen Overall MA VMD PhD DACVB; Editor in Chief, Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research

Sponsored by: SCWTCA, Inc., SCWTCA Endowment, Inc. $350, SCWTCA Health Committee

08/17/2021 Wheaten Webinar • Microphthalmia

Microphthalmia — Inherited Eye Diseases in the SCWT

Presenter: Gustavo Aguirre VMD PhD PhD(hc), American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists Professor of Medical Genetics and Ophthalmology, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine

Sponsored by: SCWTCA, Inc.

07/20/2021 Wheaten Webinar • CHIC, Genetic Tests, & Summertime Thoughts

Presenters: Susan Ratliffe, Beth Sorenson, Elaine Azerolo, Cyndi Stokvis, & Neil O’Sullivan

Sponsored by: SCWTCA Health Committee

05/18/2021 Wheaten Webinar • Gulpies, IBD, & Food Allergies

Presenter: Meryl P. Littman VMD DACVIM

Sponsored by: SCWTCA Endowment, Inc. $750

04/20/2021 Wheaten Webinar • Dawn of DNA Testing

Presenter: Dr. Neil O’Sullivan, noted geneticist and longtime Wheaten breeder

03/16/2021 Wheaten Webinar • Exploring the SCWT Database

Presenter: Anna Marzolino, Chair of the SCWTCA Endowment, Inc.

Dawning of the age of DNA testing… where to test, what does it mean, and adding the information to the SCWT database

02/16/2021 Wheaten Webinar • Coat Color Genetics in Wheatens

Presenter: Dr. Neil O’Sullivan, noted geneticist and longtime Wheaten breeder

The first in the series, Coat Color Genetics in Wheatens was presented by longtime Wheaten breeder and noted geneticist Dr. Neil O’Sullivan. Neil joined the SCWTCA Board in January 2021 and brought the concept of a webinar series to reality in a matter of weeks. Announced with just a few days notice, nearly 80 people joined us live for the airing of this highly engaging talk with Neil.