“In an effort to further protect and continue the growth of our breed, we must be conscious of those genetic problems that we can guard against. The time to protect against this is before it becomes prevalent.”
K. Carol Carlson, Wheaten Health Endowment Chair 2001-2019, SCWTCA President 1980
What’s New!
Why We Exist
The SCWTCA Endowment Inc. was created in 2001 by the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of America, Inc. as a 501c3 to support research and projects that will increase knowledge about as well as improve health issues affecting Wheaten Terriers.
What We Do
By raising funds for research and projects, we improve our Wheatens’ health, including:
Grants and support provided to Research Projects;
Updating the Wheaten community on issues of interest and progress on Current Research;
Managing the SCWT Database, an extensive collection of information about current and past Wheatens worldwide;
Providing Tools to help owners and breeders improve their Wheatens’ lives.
How You Can Help
There are many ways for you to join in this mission to improve the lives of our Wheatens:
Donate to the Endowment;
Enter your Wheaten(s) in the SCWT Database;
Use the Tools to help manage information about your Wheatens;
Learn about Research Studies;
Share the information with other Wheaten owners!